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Rao Dilshad Hussain

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Homemade TVs craze

In the modern age, life is nothing without the use of new technologies that have become one of the major sources of increasing foreign reserves of the country. Experts always strive to introduce latest technologies in IT sectors and explore something new in this regard. As the technologies advance from time to time, your visions improve.

Undoubtedly IT sector is blooming across the world and Pakistan is no different. Countries including USA, England, Canada, Malaysia, Japan and Singapore are producing computers and other IT equipments while countries like Pakistan have become one of the biggest markets in the world where second-hand computers along with brand new computers are being dumped for sale. But the major problem in Pakistan is tax evasion during the import of IT products. These products are being imported without paying any taxes as government has provided relaxation in this regard.
With the bloom of technology in Pakistan, the traders of the electronic goods are using the LCD-monitors as televisions because the monitors are cheaply available across the country and the LCD-monitors can simply be converted into television by adding devices like Sunwil, Gadmey, Dany and xPod. Commonly there are two types of the LCD-monitors that are being sold in the markets. One has extra-device called magic box while the other is being imported from China with the company fitted device that can be used both as a computer and a television.

The devices are accessible in cheap prices ranging from Rs.1200 to Rs.2400 while customers have both options whether he wants to get with warranty or without warranty. As a matter of fact all these are imported from China. The sale of LCD-monitors is increasing because of their affordability. The 15-inches LCD-monitor can be bought at prices between Rs.5500 and Rs.6500. These LCD-monitors are transformed into televisions in Pakistan by fitting these devices that are given a warranty. The company fitted ones do not have warranties as these are imported from China and are not branded. The prices of these are around Rs.9500.

Pakistani traders are importing almost all the multinational electronic products of famous brands like Dell, Compaq, Samsung, Phillips, Sony, Acer, Hp, Siemens etc because foreign made LCD-monitors are the ones that are more reliable.

Arshad Bhatti, Pakistan Customs officer, informed about the import of the branded computers and LCD-monitors. “Earlier the traders were importing branded computers and other parts but they were not liable to pay taxes because our basic objective was to provide technology to the common man at cheaper rates. In this way the traders enjoyed duty free imports and made billions through this business. Government was also appreciated for this effort as no taxes were imposed,” Arshad explained.

“Few years ago the traders used to import branded duty free computers in the name of technology dissemination across the country. But now these LCD-monitors are being converted into LCD-TVs with the help of additional home-fitted devices. Meanwhile most of the customers prefer to purchase LCD-monitors as TVs because these are cheaper as compared to the brand new TVs and China made LCD-TVs. Quality wise these homemade LCD-TVs are better than brand new and China made TVs,” he was of the view.

“Now the government is planning to charge direct and indirect taxes on the import of bulk LCD monitors. If anybody imports a complete set of the branded computers with LCD-monitors, CPUs, keyboards and other computer’s accessories, tax relaxation is still provided. But if the traders want to import LCD-monitors in bulk quantities then one has to pay General Sales Tax, income tax, customs along with 2 percent VAT. FBR and Ministry of Finance monitors all these shipments,” Arshad maintained.

Sunday plus talked with many customers and vendors about the LCD-monitors. “This option is very good for the general public because these LCD TVS can easily be purchased at cheaper prices and are of superior quality than the local and China made TVs. Because of the enhanced quality, customers prefer to buy it,” Munir, vendor of Hall road, said.

Zulfiqar, a local customer, said while purchasing the LCD-TVs, “Today everybody in the country is spending less money in the wake of worldwide economic slump. The LCD-TVs are affordable right now because its prices are cheaper and qualities are comparatively better than any brand new TV which is why I have preferred it.

According to a survey conducted by the Sunday plus, the LCD-TV business is flourishing and most of the customers are lured to buy it. While many traders import LCD monitors in bulk by evading taxes, but in reality these LCD monitors are converted into televisions and sold as televisions. Due to this practice the vendors are minting billions and government are losing billions.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 9:13 PM, ,

Missing foundation of education

Nursery schools are the foundation of education across the world wherein three to four year old children learn the basic alphabets. It is also during nursery schooling that kids learn creative arts of colouring and painting. Nursery education is a base for children for the future study through the nursery education.

But regrettably in Pakistan neither elected governments nor dictatorial regimes could bring some positive changes in the education sector. In fact education was never the priority of the policy makers because their children are studying abroad. Because of the negligence of the policy makers Punjab government still doesn’t have any separate nursery school that would provide the basic education to poor’s children.

Sunday plus talked many teachers associations representatives, Provincial Education Minister Mian Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman and many other officials to know the real situation of nursery education in the Punjab province.

“Right now not a single specific nursery school is functioning but I can say confidently on the behalf of the Punjab government. Government is planning to start nursery school concept as this is running in the entire world. In near future the government is going to launch a project of ‘excellence school’ at tehsil level where the modern facilities would be provided to the kids.” Mian Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman told while talking to ‘Sunday Plus of The Nation.’“It is quite right that in the past this sector was completely ignored while many projects were launched but no one could achieve the set objectives it was happened because of the negligence of the policy makers. But the Punjab government is committed to bring reforms in the education sector and if running pilot project like ‘children friendly schools’ is succeeded to deliver then government must not only be appreciated but also allocated massive funds in next budget to rife this project across the Punjab.

“In near future all the model schools of the province would be considered where the nursery and prep classes would be begun and three or four year old minors would easily get admission. The separate teaching and technical staff would be hired to accomplish this objective. I personally confess that nursery is the foundation of our education system. We would strive to launch modern nurseries but this would be started within the existing primary schools. Lack of funds we can’t afford to evolve new nursery buildings. As education level is improving gradually in the province and government would be able to allocate funds for the nursery schools soon,” Mian Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman maintained.

Secretary Schools Punjab Mohammad Aslam Kambho articulated, “Yes it is absolutely quite right that the Punjab doesn’t have a single specific nursery school that is providing nursery education to the kids but the primary schools of the province have been using to fulfill this lacking in the name ‘Kuchi and Pucki’.

“When the students come to school very first time in the age of five or six, they sit in the class first and they have to pass the process of ‘Kuchi and Pucki’ then they are able to study in the first (pehli class). Education department has already been working UNICEF’s pilot project entitled ‘child friendly schools’ that are being established within the six districts of the province. The 1800 primary schools from each district have been taken to implement this pilot project.” Mohammad Aslam told.

Education specialist Tariq Saeed who is serving for the UNICEF as educationist he shared the details of the pilot project with the Sunday Plus of The Nation’. “UNICEF is providing funds for 1800 schools to upgrade the primary schools where the nursery education is being revived as the modern world required.

“A few years ago 300 government primary schools were selected for up grading and improving their infrastructure where the nursery education could be given to the kids but before two months the UNICEF enhanced the quantity of the schools and took the responsibility of more 1500 primary schools. Right now this project is comprised 1800 of six districts respectively 300 girls and boys primary schools from Kasur, Rajanpur, Raheem Yar Khan, Shaikhupura, Mianwali and Sargodha.”
“Under the banner of UNICEF the teaching and serving staff would be trained according the modern age. More than 72 performance indicators are being introduced due to which the performance of the teachers and students would be analyzed. As soon as possible ‘kachi and puki’ classes will be replaced with the nursery and prep classes. school councils will have to monitor these institutes.

“Minors of the nursery and prep classes would be learned regarding health, hygiene education, sports and alphabets of an English, Urdu and mathematics. Government and UNICEF have not any plan to construct new institutes though these are the need of the hour. Nursery school planning doesn’t exist even in the last education policy that was introduced in 2009. Tariq Saeed explained.

“While talking to ‘Sunday Plus of The Nation’, The Chairman of All Pakistan Teacher Federation Azam Butt confided, “Even in the modern age, no specific nursery school at government level exists with in the Punjab premises instead of having the infrastructure of more than 65000 government schools. It is too difficult to address the lacking of nursery schools while don’t forget it that many government schools of Lahore yet have been running without proper staff and basic facilities.

“Actually it is too difficult to look after the kids especially in the age of three or four. Lacking of proper staff schools can’t afford to take minors at nursery level. Ayaas play a key role to make nursery level successful. The existing government primary schools have been accommodating the children when they are five or six year other wise nobody can think to take admission in these schools. Entry test doesn’t matter.”

Because of not having the proper nurseries when minor comes to school. He knows nothing regarding ABC or 123 though he is in five or six year. This is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed instantly and Government should have to take initiative and construct modern nursery schools for producing the educated generation,” Azam was of the view.

Rana Liaqat Press secretary of the Joint Action Committee Asataza Punjab said, “Because of not having the specific nursery schools and such premises in the primary schools, teachers are enforced to take the children of three and four years in name of like ‘kuchi, puki and KG I’. In fact the kids can never be trained when they will be sitting with first (pehli class) but after one and half year the same kids are promoted but without learning any thing. Government always launched the project as it past government did but there is no such project can be seen practically.”

“Officially bureaucrats make the policies just for minting money. The poor’s children are not their priority because they don’t send their children to the public schools. They are interested to send their kids for study abroad and private schools. Legislators’ negligence is the major hurdle in the way of education revolution. Rana Liaqat was of the view.

The nursery schools are the back bone of the education system. Though Pakistan has resources but because of not having the leadership, education always neglected sector. Billions of rupees have been wasting due massive corruption scams every day and subsidies have been given to the feudal lords in terms of urea fertilizing.

This is so sad contemporary leaders should realize that only education can bring positive changes in the society and progress of the country is linked with education. Government should construct such nurseries where every body ministers, legislators, leaders and bureaucrats would willingly send their kids for nursery education.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 9:05 PM, ,


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