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Rao Dilshad Hussain

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Nina Akbar, the CEO of Sukh Cha’n Wellness Club

Nina Akbar, the CEO of Sukh Cha’n Wellness Club is a renowned business woman. Prior to launch Sukh Cha’n Wellness Club project, she had been successfully running restaurant chain of Salt’n Pepper for many years.

She has done her graduation from St Joseph College, Karachi. She actively participates in the NGO activities and organises walks for awareness about women’s rights.

She is planning to launch an NGO ‘Sukh Cha’n Trust’ in the near future to help the poor. Her are excerpts from interview with her:

Describe yourself in three words!
God loving, God fearing and compassionate.

Did you ever think you’d end up where you are?

Yes because I had goals in life and if you believe in yourself and have enough determination then you do end up where you would like to be.

What do you like most about your job?

That it has made a difference in peoples live and that makes make me feel proud of myself.

And least?

Least thing I like about my job is that it is very demanding & tiring at times.

What are your three best features?

Three best features about myself is that I myself am the role model for my own business, keeping in shape and in balance with life.

And your worst?

Worst feature is saying No to people.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?

Worst job ever done by me is firing a dumb manager.

What has been your smartest business idea?

The concept of wellness is the smartest idea where mind, body & soul are the ultimate health.

And your worst decision?

Worst decision has been to get entangled into office politics.

When do you turn off your BlackBerry?

Blackberry is turned off at night.

What is the secret of your success?

Secret of success is my dedication, devotion & loyalty to my work.

What are you reading?

Krishnamurti – Flight Of The Eagle.

How has Pakistan changed in your lifetime?

Pakistan has progressed in a lot of ways, but sadly the people have lost their values and morals.

What advice would you give for doing business in Pakistan?

Business everywhere has risks attached. The respect/privilege that you will get as a business person in your country is unmatched.

And for Pakistani business looking to expand?

The World has become a global village. Business now has no boundaries. If one has a product or service that can compete international standard than one must expand as it will bring good image to country also.

Where is the best place to do business?


How would you characterise the Pakistani way of doing business?

The principles of business are now becoming universal because of media exposure. The concept of “might is right” & tasks been handled under the table is everywhere.

Do you like being featured in the social pages?

Certainly, I am a socially very active person.

How do you get on the right side of someone you're trying to impress?

Right side of someone by being absolutely straight forward.

You fly economy or business class?

Business class.

Most inspirational business book?

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Has your job made your personal life suffer?

To some extent when I cannot commit to more family events.

Most hated business expression?

I cannot do this work.

Who has been your biggest influence?

My father and my husband

What is your Golden Rule?

To have good intentions for everyone

When do you want to retire?


How important is money to you?

As long as it is all hard earned it is important to me.

What is the point of being rich?

As long as you can enjoy your hard earnings

How has it affected your personal life?

Well, it has definitely made me very comfortable.

How would you like to be remembered?

Always with me dignity and respect

How do you cope with travel?

I enjoy seeing the world & specially history &culture..

How do you deal with the critics?

Listen carefully to them in case there is a message for me.

What car do you drive?


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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 8:43 AM,


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