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Rao Dilshad Hussain

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With visa approval rate of 98.93 percent FCA is moving ahead with bigger aims

Asim Malik CEO, Future Concern Associates on the functioning of the consultancy firms 

The consultant plays an imperative role during the process of getting immigration, study, visit, skilled and business visas of the developed countries. In the beginning it usually seems like a simple procedure but when the visa application is being rejected because of some technical errors then people realise the value and importance of consultancy firms.

At times visa applications are also rejected despite the involvement of the firms. The victims then claim the consultancy firms responsible.

Then they file many legal applications against the consultants in the FIA and many other investigation agencies for interrogation but they fail to materialise anything because government of Pakistan has not yet introduced any legislation to take actions against the consultancy firms.

But every single firm cannot be categorised under this group as there are some firms like Future Concern Associates that is one the leading consultancy firms of the country. It has been rendering consultancy services in the field of immigration and student admissions abroad since sixteen years. Asim Malik is the Chief Executive of the firm.

While talking to Money Plus Asim Malik told about the functioning of the Future Concern Associates. “Basically Future Concern Associates is specialised to provide the consultancy services for gaining the immigration and study visas. So far we have provided the services to more than 170 thousand people who are living and studying abroad in different countries. We have their complete record with their messages” he said.

Future Concern Associates has been successfully facilitating its clients with two offices in Lahore and Islamabad while five offices worldwide in Australia, Canada, America, England and New Zealand. This is the major thing that distinguishes among the many other consultancy firms.

“It is our pride to serve more individuals in and across the borders in a broad market than any of our competitors. I am also grateful to all our clients who believed in us and their faith and trust reckoned us as one of the best immigration and student’s consultancy firms since last 16 years. Our insight and knowledge about the business grants us better opportunity to success hence helping you to a brighter and prosperous future,” he further added.

“It was a moment of great achievement and excitement when our client received his HSMP approval in just one day. This spark on the face of our valued customer is our true success and award. We strive for this success therefore, our motto, is to pay attention to our client’s interest. During this process we have been successful in paving our path to a series of achievements, leading us to become the most successful consultancy firm. We are firm about protecting the rights and dreams of our valued clients by assisting and showing them in the best possible way,” Asim Malik explained his obligations while talking to Money Plus.

He further explained about the functioning of the firm, “In today’s global village when we have little time and want all information in our laptop, FCA has stepped forward to assist and provide with a data-base technology, imparting the clients with on-line consultancy and status in an extremely user friendly manner. Our office is also based upon high-tech systemized data information tracking system to make all documentation foolproof, putting you at ease. So you can be sure that all your information is safe with us.”

FCA provides the complete information to the clients regarding all the aspects to get immigration and admission in United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, United States of America, Ireland and Sweden as well. Here is the information of the said countries.

United Kingdom has always been proved one of the most important destinations for the students, skilled migrants and investors all over the world. The UK work permits scheme is also very important for employment based entry. UK has introduced many new and important changes in their Visa policies and if anybody is interested in UK Immigration. FCA provides complete information to the clients about new UK visa policies and points systems as well.

Every year Canada grants over 320000 skilled migration visas. Under the skilled worker immigration programme more people can migrate due to low pass makes. A Canadian Lawyer, who is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and has the right to represent FCA’s clients in Canadian immigration cases, has been employed by us.

Every year, millions of people try to enter the USA. It is the most favourite destination for everyone who wishes to migrate to starti a new life, develop their career, or join family members overseas. With huge cultural diversity and geographical variety, applying for immigration to the USA can provide a wealth of opportunities for potential US immigrants.

Australia is one of the world’s great immigration success stories. Today, nearly one in four of Australia’s 20 million people were born overseas, and it continues to welcome migrants who will contribute the future strength and well being of the country and its people.

Since last few years, Ireland has changed from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration. Ireland can offer excellent working conditions, low unemployment and low crime rates in addition to excellent healthcare and education as well as a rich cultural history and sense of national identity.

Sweden government proposes new rules for labour immigration to Sweden. These rules will create a more effective and flexible system, which will make it easier for people to come to Sweden to work and for companies to recruit labour from outside Europe. Sweden also has good health system, family life, good climate, political stability and security.

On a query Asim replied that a number of companies ventured into this profession but they did not exist after one or two years. Most of them do not have a good repute but fortunately FCA has. Because there is no such consultancy firm that carries 16 years credibility, which is our real asset. Credibility matters and nobody has a number of clients as FCA has. We have more than 300 employees just in the Lahore office. Through consultancy firms a lot of remittances are coming here. FCA has a lot of clients. That is why people should prefer to hire FCA’s services.

“In fact this business has become an industry but it is having complications as well because thousands consultancy firms are working without having any registration. Government is yet unable to make any law in this regard due to which all these firms could be registered,” he informed.

“I personally had a number of meetings with the interior ministers, many other high influential people like President Asif Zardari, President Pervez Musharaf and several other concerned authorities for tabling a bill in the National Assembly to streamline all the existing consultancy firms. It is a very grave issue but nobody takes initiative to rationalise, which is so bad that is why this profession is defaming.”

“Legislators do nothing but sit together for one or two hours to prepare the clauses and then sanction the bill from the National Assembly. But unfortunately they don’t have time to legalise this business. I have written 26 letters to the secretary of the Interior and Labour Ministry in which I have requested that FCA and existing consultancy firms should be registered. But both the ministries have failed to form legislations. In fact the government has to bear the loss of millions everyday due to this failure,” he explained with grave concern.

“For instance if anybody bears the loss of five to six hundred thousands in terms of non-refundable charges during the process of getting immigration to the British embassy then why can they not pay fifty thousand to Pakistan. He can easily afford but because of lack of legislation government can’t charge any penny. I myself want to do fair and legal business but due to the government negligence we are unable to do so. Government should at least charge 5 percent of the paid amount when any person migrates. In this way government can generate a lot of revenue after regularising the consultancy firms.

“We have been facing a lot of inquiries of FIA because people considered us as visa officers. When they were refused to get visa by the foreign embassies then they file the applications against us. FCA has to face almost fake 80 inquiries but none of them proved truly. We can just provide the legal expertise rather than visa. No one deals with this but in abroad they have special migration ministries. This should be streamlining at any cost.” He demanded to bring law to regulate this business.

When people are deprived from their fundamental rights then they decide to leave the country. Every year a lot of Pakistanis are leaving the country for getting better career and education opportunities. The migration rate is increasing rapidly. In fact every body wants to leave the country to secure its children’s future.

Answering to a quest he deplorably said that we have frail economy and foreign policy. We can’t stand anywhere before the modern world rulers should have to focus the economy’s issues rather than their personal agendas. Muslims are being attached with terrorist activities but rulers can do nothing to project the nation’s soft image in the abroad.

“Non-professional people ruined this profession and they are also indulged into many fraud cases. They did nothing but are minting money through unfair means. Priory government does nothing to prevent these people but when they have made fraud then many agencies are involved to capture fraudsters at that time they have left the country. On behalf of the FCA I have personally requested to every government for regularising this business but nothing has been done in this regard. Establishment of the separate ministry for looking after the consultancies matters is the need of the hour. Government should realise these matters,” he requested.

Asim Malik said that Government can earn a lot of money if government generates skilled people because thousands of jobs and opportunities exist in developed countries but unfortunately because of not having proper polices and guide line due to which the people could be trained for having the opportunities in abroad. Government should be on board and organised several training courses and must avail the opportunities. Skilled people can easily get the immigration than the others.

FCA has provided the consultancy services to more than one hundred and seventy thousand clients. It has the complete record of its clients. The visa approval rate of 98.93 percent distinguishes FCA than others consultancy firms while the refusal chance is just 10 percent.

“It is entirely a technical business that is why FCA has separate department that consists of 18 experts who just have to vet the immigration policies and laws of the developed countries and they timely aware us about the rapid changes of the rules and regulations. Lack of awareness just UK embassy has declined a number of applications recently. It was happened because of negligence of the non-professional consultants. UK has banned more than one thousand colleges and cancelled their licences due to provide the fake admission,” he maintained.

The procedure of FCA is that it firstly signs agreement and consultancy charges are not refundable. After hiring the services, client must receive the calls and everything is now available here in recorded farm. FCA doesn’t create any confusion. Everything is told to the customer call a spade a spade.

“This business has a lot of potential but just needs to be streamlining this sector. Because of this business every month country receives millions of the remittances and with having insurgency in the country we can’t improve the exports due to which economy runs. If government facilitates us then millions of rupees can be got easily through export the skilled people,” he added.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 2:46 PM,


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