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Rao Dilshad Hussain

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Impediments to relief

Pakistan has faced various disasters since its birth till date and contemporary floods is one of them. It is the worst disaster in the history of Pakistan in which more than 13 million people have become homeless while more than three thousand have perished. So far Pakistan has lost trillions of rupees in terms of property, crops and livestock. With this emerging state of affairs it was the need of the hour to help the flood victims. However, in the beginning the process of collecting donations was slow but gradually it gained momentum when the organisations and nation on the whole came forward to help their dear brothers in time of calamity.

If, we remember the horrendous earthquake which shook the roots of the country in 2005, people came out of their houses massively and contributed whole heartedly. Women of strong families donated gold and their precious items just, to save the need ones. At that time people of our nation contributed generously for the cause with a passionate dedication but now that drive is missing.

Now the urge to help flood victims seems to be ‘missing’ somewhere. This time the flood has destroyed the lives of many and the efforts to help them constructively have taken a back-seat. Recently, Sunday Plus of Daily The Nation had a chance to visit several relief camps that are being set up by the different NGOs, political parties, religious and welfare organisations in Lahore.

As per directive of the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, PPP Lahore has established the central relief camp outside of the Masjid-i-Shohda at Regal Chowk, the Mall. “We have sent more than twenty trucks of dry food, mineral water bottles, clothes and old shoes to flood victims. Apart from collecting goods, people have approached us for donationsm stated Zahid Zulfiqar PPP activist.

He further emphasised that media has been reporting in a bias manner and doing its best to defame President Asif Ali Zardari. He also made an appeal to Pakistani nation to contribute generously in these difficult times.

Camps have also been organised by Pakistan Muslim League (Q) with an aim to support the nation in terrible times. They have arranged relief camps in various parts of the city but central camp has been placed outside the Masjid-i-Shohda at Regal Chowk. “The camp is collecting dry food edibles, flour bags, tents, cash and numerous items of daily usages under the super vision of Ahmad Faran Khan Chief coordinator of relief camps Punjab and Zahid Choudhary President PML Q Youth Wing, Punjab.

He further commented that, in the beginning people did not realise the disaster. They didn’t know whom to trust or not as government has done nothing to win the trust of the people. According to him, the people of Pakistan are always ready to sacrifice every thing for their fellow beings, but there is a need to mobilise them. Gradually people are becoming aware about the worst flood which has hit the country and donating money also. “We have people coming from all strata of society even beggars are passionately donating their money,” stated, Ahmad Farhan Khan.

“PML-Q has sent more than eight trucks of relief goods to ruin areas of Muzzafargarh, Rajanpur, D.G Khan and Layya,” told President PML-Q Ch. Pervez Elahi who personally preferred to go with these trucks. He is spending many days over there with the flood affected areas for monitoring the relief works rather than leaving the flood victims alone while government is providing the relief goods through helicopters and various goods are being wasted.

“Leaders are prone to make speeches only but practically do nothing. Every day we are collecting more than sixty thousand rupees which are being spent to purchase the dry food edibles, new clothes, all pulses, first aid medicines, shoes and tents as well. PML Q will not leave the victims alone and keep the spirit of support alive,” Ahmad Faran Khan added.

Minhaj-ul-Quran Foundation, is a renowned religious organisation. It has always stood by the people of Pakistan in disastrous hours. They have set up a relief camp at the Regal Chowk. “We are providing dry food, pulses, dates, flour bags, medicines and tents to the flood victims on daily basis. The Foundation also provides cooked food to more than two lakhs people every day in areas of south Punjab, Sindh and Noshehra. We have proper tenting system in which Minhaj’s medical camp is treating thousands of patients on the spot,” A.D. Haider an activist told the media.

Pakistan Tehrik Insaf, is also seen in action in this regard and it has established relief camp at the Regal Chowk. “We are gathering more than fifty thousand rupees regularly and now people are willingly coming to support flood affected people, earlier the response was not so good. Most of the people are donating cash,” stated, Sh. Arif PTI Vice President Youth Wing Lahore. The party has arranged 15 funds generating camps across the Lahore.

The Traders Wing of the Mall Road of Pakistan Muslim League-N has done brilliant job under the super vision of political activists Shahbaz Haider, Naeem Mir and Mian Shafqat Saeed by handling over the cheque of rupees 10 millions to Punjab government. They have also established a relief camp at Chairing Cross in front of Punjab Assembly and Hall Road as well.

Personally, they are collecting relief goods and have sent loaded trucks to the affected areas. They have set the targets of forwarding four to five trucks of relief good and cooked food as well.

“This time the spirit is there but it needs backing up. If you remember people donated widely in 2005 earthquake but it wasn’t used properly, so this time reservation is there but spirit is moving on,” stated, Iqbal Haider and Mian Shafqat Saeed.

Falah Insaniyat Foundation, Lahore is also working to provide the relief goods to the flood affected areas. “We are generating funds and collecting relief goods from everywhere. We have sent five trucks to Peshawer and Charsadda and more than twenty trucks to Layya, Mianwali, D.G Khan, Rajanpur and other areas. Peoples’ response is not very good this time,” Kashif explained.
Alkhidmat Foundation of Jammat-i-Islami has set up 20 relief camps in Lahore. “People mostly are donating cash and dry food edibles. We are sitting here for the last ten days and people have started coming out for donations. In fact people are suffering from having price hike and this is also main reason due to which they are not coming forward to help the flood victims. Now the situation is improving and common man is donating. We are providing medicines, clothes and food edibles to affected areas, said, Amir ul Azeem.

Shazia Saleem from Pak Generation Development Foundation is also collecting the relief good for the flood victims. She is collecting goods for one week and wants to continue the relief camp till one month. Only five percent of people have contributed this time.

Renowned dress designer B.G and actress Sheeba Butt are actively raising funds. They participated in the campaign of ‘Waqt News’ Relief Camp in which they appealed to the nation for donating their budget of entertainment and new clothes for the flood victims. B.G has already established relief camp out side her home in Gulberg and she is committed to go the affected areas with many trucks of relief goods.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 11:07 PM,


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