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Rao Dilshad Hussain

~a place to rave, rent and debate~

Preferring greener pastures

Today Pakistan is suffering from worst floods in decades in which millions of people have affected and still they are missing while hundreds among them have lost their lives and business. It was the right time to look after the flood victims by the government and other effective welfare organizations. Politicians should mobilise the nation for helping the victims but unfortunately politician whether they are from the ruling parties or opposition parties are seeming very busy in point scoring regarding the President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit of Britain because of having floods in the vast parts of the country and the Prime Minister David Cameron’s derogatory statement regarding Pakistan during his visit to India.

After Cameron’s statement not only opposition parties but also government’s major ally Altaf Hussain also suggested to the president for abandoning the UK’s visit. As a matter of the fact the President Zardari’s had to visited France and UK that both tours were decided earlier as it’s not so easy to manage the trips of the heads of the states. It was the need of the hour he should have to call off particularly UK’s visit.

So in fact there was no need to criticise his UK’s visit as it was done. Particularly those like Nawaz Sharif who has great many assets in UK. Firstly he should bring back his money back to the country then he should boycott the UK and he should never go there but actually after every two or three weeks Nawaz Sharif frequently visits to UK to look after their business and various other matters as well while Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif also has to go there for medical treatment once in a month.

President Zardari always faces criticism and has to victimise if anything happens in the country. This time also critics behave in the same manners. He just started his official visit to France the critics once again seemed in action and both tours were highly criticised and political leaders and critics started blame game and many baseless allegations imposed on him in terms of expenditures. So after receiving criticism he decided to visit UK privately.

Sunday plus strived to analysed President Asif Ali Zardari’s dual visits in which prior he left the country for France and then he arrived London on 3rd of august and started his five days private visit.

Comparatively in his official tour to France President Zardari was received zealously. He reached there few entourages like Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir and Bilawal Bhutoo Zardari. During this visit Zardari met his counterpart President Nicolas Sarkozy in which Zardari had talked to enhance the cooperation in every sector particularly bilateral relations, Defense and Economic assistance as well.

As a matter of fact that France is a prestigious ally of Pakistan and it always provided financial assistance to Pakistan even during humanitarian crises. Now French Foreign Minister has assured that Pakistan always would be on the top priority to assist in flood like situation and various economic issues were also resolved.

While visiting France President Zardari urged the western world to make the economic assistance possible because Pakistan’s economy had to suffer a lot due to war on terror and floods. He stressed that world should focus to empower the people of Pakistan then would have to watch out from the non state actors. He emphasised that should step forward to make the possibilities of activation of civil nuclear agreements with Pakistan to meet the energy crises.

Ultimately it was a successful visit and zardari was managed to achieve set objectives. The visit was achieved milestone when Pakistan and France were both agreed to establish the Joint Economic Commission that would be addressed the issues of food, agricultural, economical and under this commission France will train the nurses and Pakistan would be able to export them to the UAE.

During this visit France also assured to expedite the pledged payment that was promised in Tokyo‘s meeting of friends of democratic Pakistan’s platform. The establishment of the joint economic commission was really a milestone for the country because right now nobody including America wants to empower the people of Pakistan but huge amount of money is being wasted for accomplishment of the their own agendas by the western world.

Everybody trusts on India while Pakistan has to take the loss of hundred of lives and billions of dollars. But everyday many more speculation present as Pakistan is assisting the terrorists but in fact Pakistan had to bear great many losses due to so called war on terror. Pakistan has paid a huge price for this war. During this visit President Sarkozy promised to visit Pakistan in near future.

After the successful visit Zardari left the France for UK on 3rd of august for his five days private visit despite the reservations of the opposition because of the Cameron’s gaffe statement in which he said that Pakistan would not be allowed to export the terrorism while visit of the UK was already decided months ago but because of the Cameron gaffe that he made during his visit to India and because of the derogatory remarks of the Cameron everybody including opposition parties are criticising President Zardari’s trip to UK and they all urged that this visit should be cancelled because Pakistan is suffering from many crises and despite of sacrificing a lot of lives and finances during the war against terrorism even then world leaders are not acknowledging the Pakistani services for this war. Everyday Pakistani spy agencies have to face baseless allegations and that is why in protesting one of the influential spy chief Shuja Pasha had to abandon his trip to UK.

Zardari wants to address the people party’s activists in Birmingham where bilawal also had to addressed his maiden speech. This was the main reason to keep the tour continue and zaradri sab wants to get popularity at any cost. He addressed to more than seven thousand activists. This is the mind set. So this tour proved that he wants to prolong his party politics and keep alive himself in the minds of the activists. During his joy trip he also met the cabinet ministers and many other legislators.

It is the gravity of the time that at this moment every official should have to be here in with the flood victims and the trips could be shortest and may be arranged next time. .But seeing the non serious attitude of the rulers during floods it seems that the people of Pakistan are not the priority of the rulers. Rulers always have the sympathy wave for the people but just in the speeches particularly during election campaigns.

After getting into powers they don’t want to address the masses’ issues then they just focus to strengthen their political heirs as President Zardari did in his visits. Millions of public finances are being wasted during the joy trips and organising political shows but for helping the flood victims rulers are looking down upon towards the donors. Though it is too difficult to meet the floods but presence of the rulers among the masses can be over come their grievances.


posted by Dilshad Rao @ 9:41 AM,


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