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Rao Dilshad Hussain

~a place to rave, rent and debate~

The dilemma of domestic cricket

Whenever a new body takes over the reigns of the Pakistan Cricket Board, the first thing it announces is the elusive revamp of the domestic cricket. The announcements sans actions follow and the plunge continues to plague the Pakistan cricket.

The PCB administration always changes following eventful defeats of the national team. In fact, domestic cricket is the backbone of the national team. If it is strong, it produces great players in all the fields. One day Pakistan beats world champions but the very next day it crashes to a level below that of even club cricket. Pakistan has always lacked consistency and it is because of poor domestic structure.

It is excellence of the domestic structure in Australia due to which it has been ruling the world cricket for last couple of decades. It has thrashed almost every team in all the three formats of the game now.

There are a lot of events in Pakistan domestic cricket - the Quaid-e-Azam Trophy, Pentangular Cup, Pentangular One-Day Cup, Patrons' Trophy Grade II, Inter-District Cricket Championships and Twenty20 Cup besides various junior tournaments organised under the banner of the regional associations and the PCB.

Many departmental, regional, senior and junior teams take part in these competitions. But surprisingly, despite a round-the-clock schedule, domestic cricket fails to provide adequate backup for the national team. Interestingly, every chairman promises to revamp the domestic cricket but does nothing to improve the standards. The failure of the national team is inevitably linked with the domestic cricket.

The situation of the domestic cricket currently is alarming. If no emergency measures taken, soon the Pakistan team would find itself slipping below the top six in ICC ranking. There are various ways through domestic cricket can be improved.

It is apparent that regions or associations cannot be helped out to promote the standard of domestic cricket because regional teams are playing since seven years but still are unable to produce a single finger spinner, world class batsman, wicketkeeper, fast bawler and a quality opener. An example of the system's bankruptcy is that the LCCA didn't choose test wicket-keeper Zulqurnan Haider though he had been playing since 2002-03.

In the regions, affluent businessmen and feudal lords reign supreme and head the associations. They do not care if they drop any deserving player and pick even their blue-eyed drivers for first class teams such as Multan region. They use teams as public relation platforms or mint money.

When the players are selected for the district teams during trials, a number of players take part but when the teams are announced, several such names are seen in the list who never appeared for the trials. Regional cricket, like the rest of the county, is suffering nepotism, merit-violation and corruption.

The Pakistan cricket can grow if the PCB plays a positive role in strengthening the departments and issue directives for making their U-19 teams. If every department manages to establish U-19 team, Pakistan would have more than 200 senior and 200 U-19 paid players. Department normally take deserving players. Departments pick on merit while regions always pick players to oblige their friends. So through empowering the departments Pakistan cricket can improve gradually.

Many great players have come from departments like Javed Miandad, Ijaz Ahmed, Wasim Akram, Younus Khan, Moin Khan, Saqlain Mushtaq, Aqib Javed Waqar Younus, Amir Sohail, Saeed Anwer, Iqbal Qasim etc. The department, which pays the player always opts for a quality cricketer.

During the 80s Pakistan domestic cricket provided healthy back up to the national team because departments like PACO, UBL and PIA made their U-19 teams as backup to the senior teams. Because of establishing these teams, Pakistan got great players like Wasim, Ijaz and Masood Anwar. The departments used to pay Rs 200 to 400 to the U-19 players for each match. So it should be made compulsory for departments to raise U-19 teams.

If the PCB upgrades the level of grade-II cricket and introduces the four-day format for grade-II, then it would be much better for Pakistan cricket.

The upgradation of this format can groom many temperamental players. Sadly, Pakistan has lost many Test matches within three days which reflects the need for patience and stamina. If the PCB makes sporting pitches then cricket quality would be improved.

In the world every board introduces new formats as Australia brought split-over format that replaced the one-day cricket but the PCB can't bring new things because it is full of sycophants. They are always seen to flatter the chairman -- Yawar Saeed, Intikhab Alam, Wasim Bari, Ranas (Sultan, Shafqat), Zakir Khan and many others are good at singing praises for the chairman. They don't suggest anything meaningful. If the PCB does not wake up from slumber now, the Pakistan team would never get legends.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 12:17 PM, ,

…in the lighter side

The tendency of politicising sports has been a continual trend since many decades, but what is more deplorable is that this trend is on a rise. The current scenario has become rather interesting, as the ruling elites and politicians have started taking keen interest in domestic sports. Recently during Waqt News’ popular sports show ‘Game Beat,’ the former Prime Minister Ch. Shujaat Hussain, President of Pakistan Kabbadi Federation, donated Rs.10 million to the Pakistan Tennis Federation. It was given upon the request of Senator Dillawer Abbas, President of Tennis Federation. Hafiz Imran and Rabia Qadir disclosed this fact during the show.

During the show these influential politicians gave their strong opinions about the plight of sport in Pakistani. Ch. Shujaat on this note expressed, “Promotion of every sport is the need of the hour. People are fed up of reading news about terrorism and crimes while sports provide them with some sort of entertainment. We can not deny the role of sport in the modern age because it produces healthy societies.”

Ch. Shujaat confessed that in the past politically influential people were given important designations such that of cricket, hockey, football, squash, tennis and many others. The same trend is being continued till date. A number of non-professionals who know nothing about sports are running sports federations like Ch. Shujaat is heading the Kabbadi Federation without any prior knowledge or being a player. According to him it is very cheap sport and everybody can play easily and that during kabbadi matches the stadiums are full with crowed and kabbadi lovers. Ch. Shujaat further maintained, “Imran Khan is stepping forward successfully as a politician but it would be better for the future of the Pakistan cricket if Imran gives his precious time to cricket. He urged that sports federations should be run by an honest, capable and competent person rather than politically influential ones.”

He deplorably said that Ijaz Butt is still working as the chairman of PCB despite humiliating defeat of the Pakistani cricket team during their tours of Australia and England. He further said, “He is still the chairman because of his strong political affiliations with the President of Pakistan. This practice should be an end.”

Ch. Shujaat revealed old secrets of General Zia ul Haq’s regime when he appointed General Safdar as the Chairman of WAPDA and later as the Chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board. But Safdar refused to accept the PCB position stating his lack of experience regarding cricket, but then Zia reminded him that he did not have to know about WAPDA to run it. The same approach of politicising sports has been continuing since decades. This approach should come to an end and the politicians should not run sports federations of the country.

During the show Ch. Shujaat showed his keen interest in the promotion of women tennis. But Senator Dilawer Abbas sadly expressed, “Within the country nobody is ready to sponsor tennis while everybody is ready to sponsor cricket. Cricketers can easily earn millions of dollars annually while tennis players just earn $2500. Government has allocated only few hundred thousands to Pakistan Tennis Federation contrary to its hefty monthly maintenance of the single tennis stadium.”

He said that Prime Minister preferred to allocate Rs.50 millions to the Hockey Federation because of his preference towards President Qasim Zia. He deplorably said that Ijaz Butt is also misusing the powers because of his strong political backing. He further added that one should willingly surrender their powers and separate themselves from the power corridors.

Dilawar further said, “I wish I could construct tennis complexes in the same passion I serve the federation.” He revealed that when he was nominated for the presidential post of the tennis federation, then he asked his contender about tennis. But as his contender did not have enough knowledge, he agreed not to take over the federation.

“The political appointments of ineligible people have destroyed the Pakistani sports. Because of them sports are heading towards a decline.” Senator Dilawer Abbas was of the view.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 11:07 AM, ,

Dilshad Hussain Rao salutes Pakistan on  Independence Day 2010.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 3:15 PM, ,

Impediments to relief

Pakistan has faced various disasters since its birth till date and contemporary floods is one of them. It is the worst disaster in the history of Pakistan in which more than 13 million people have become homeless while more than three thousand have perished. So far Pakistan has lost trillions of rupees in terms of property, crops and livestock. With this emerging state of affairs it was the need of the hour to help the flood victims. However, in the beginning the process of collecting donations was slow but gradually it gained momentum when the organisations and nation on the whole came forward to help their dear brothers in time of calamity.

If, we remember the horrendous earthquake which shook the roots of the country in 2005, people came out of their houses massively and contributed whole heartedly. Women of strong families donated gold and their precious items just, to save the need ones. At that time people of our nation contributed generously for the cause with a passionate dedication but now that drive is missing.

Now the urge to help flood victims seems to be ‘missing’ somewhere. This time the flood has destroyed the lives of many and the efforts to help them constructively have taken a back-seat. Recently, Sunday Plus of Daily The Nation had a chance to visit several relief camps that are being set up by the different NGOs, political parties, religious and welfare organisations in Lahore.

As per directive of the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, PPP Lahore has established the central relief camp outside of the Masjid-i-Shohda at Regal Chowk, the Mall. “We have sent more than twenty trucks of dry food, mineral water bottles, clothes and old shoes to flood victims. Apart from collecting goods, people have approached us for donationsm stated Zahid Zulfiqar PPP activist.

He further emphasised that media has been reporting in a bias manner and doing its best to defame President Asif Ali Zardari. He also made an appeal to Pakistani nation to contribute generously in these difficult times.

Camps have also been organised by Pakistan Muslim League (Q) with an aim to support the nation in terrible times. They have arranged relief camps in various parts of the city but central camp has been placed outside the Masjid-i-Shohda at Regal Chowk. “The camp is collecting dry food edibles, flour bags, tents, cash and numerous items of daily usages under the super vision of Ahmad Faran Khan Chief coordinator of relief camps Punjab and Zahid Choudhary President PML Q Youth Wing, Punjab.

He further commented that, in the beginning people did not realise the disaster. They didn’t know whom to trust or not as government has done nothing to win the trust of the people. According to him, the people of Pakistan are always ready to sacrifice every thing for their fellow beings, but there is a need to mobilise them. Gradually people are becoming aware about the worst flood which has hit the country and donating money also. “We have people coming from all strata of society even beggars are passionately donating their money,” stated, Ahmad Farhan Khan.

“PML-Q has sent more than eight trucks of relief goods to ruin areas of Muzzafargarh, Rajanpur, D.G Khan and Layya,” told President PML-Q Ch. Pervez Elahi who personally preferred to go with these trucks. He is spending many days over there with the flood affected areas for monitoring the relief works rather than leaving the flood victims alone while government is providing the relief goods through helicopters and various goods are being wasted.

“Leaders are prone to make speeches only but practically do nothing. Every day we are collecting more than sixty thousand rupees which are being spent to purchase the dry food edibles, new clothes, all pulses, first aid medicines, shoes and tents as well. PML Q will not leave the victims alone and keep the spirit of support alive,” Ahmad Faran Khan added.

Minhaj-ul-Quran Foundation, is a renowned religious organisation. It has always stood by the people of Pakistan in disastrous hours. They have set up a relief camp at the Regal Chowk. “We are providing dry food, pulses, dates, flour bags, medicines and tents to the flood victims on daily basis. The Foundation also provides cooked food to more than two lakhs people every day in areas of south Punjab, Sindh and Noshehra. We have proper tenting system in which Minhaj’s medical camp is treating thousands of patients on the spot,” A.D. Haider an activist told the media.

Pakistan Tehrik Insaf, is also seen in action in this regard and it has established relief camp at the Regal Chowk. “We are gathering more than fifty thousand rupees regularly and now people are willingly coming to support flood affected people, earlier the response was not so good. Most of the people are donating cash,” stated, Sh. Arif PTI Vice President Youth Wing Lahore. The party has arranged 15 funds generating camps across the Lahore.

The Traders Wing of the Mall Road of Pakistan Muslim League-N has done brilliant job under the super vision of political activists Shahbaz Haider, Naeem Mir and Mian Shafqat Saeed by handling over the cheque of rupees 10 millions to Punjab government. They have also established a relief camp at Chairing Cross in front of Punjab Assembly and Hall Road as well.

Personally, they are collecting relief goods and have sent loaded trucks to the affected areas. They have set the targets of forwarding four to five trucks of relief good and cooked food as well.

“This time the spirit is there but it needs backing up. If you remember people donated widely in 2005 earthquake but it wasn’t used properly, so this time reservation is there but spirit is moving on,” stated, Iqbal Haider and Mian Shafqat Saeed.

Falah Insaniyat Foundation, Lahore is also working to provide the relief goods to the flood affected areas. “We are generating funds and collecting relief goods from everywhere. We have sent five trucks to Peshawer and Charsadda and more than twenty trucks to Layya, Mianwali, D.G Khan, Rajanpur and other areas. Peoples’ response is not very good this time,” Kashif explained.
Alkhidmat Foundation of Jammat-i-Islami has set up 20 relief camps in Lahore. “People mostly are donating cash and dry food edibles. We are sitting here for the last ten days and people have started coming out for donations. In fact people are suffering from having price hike and this is also main reason due to which they are not coming forward to help the flood victims. Now the situation is improving and common man is donating. We are providing medicines, clothes and food edibles to affected areas, said, Amir ul Azeem.

Shazia Saleem from Pak Generation Development Foundation is also collecting the relief good for the flood victims. She is collecting goods for one week and wants to continue the relief camp till one month. Only five percent of people have contributed this time.

Renowned dress designer B.G and actress Sheeba Butt are actively raising funds. They participated in the campaign of ‘Waqt News’ Relief Camp in which they appealed to the nation for donating their budget of entertainment and new clothes for the flood victims. B.G has already established relief camp out side her home in Gulberg and she is committed to go the affected areas with many trucks of relief goods.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 11:07 PM, ,

Is Umar Akmal heading toward decline?

In the world of cricket Pakistan has produced many great cricketers who developed themselves into legends of class of their own. But with the passage of time they left a void wide open to be filled in by someone of their likes. Over the past couple of years Pakistan introduced several fresh faces but none of them filled in that gap as good as sensational Umar Akmal did.

This diminutive youngster managed to break new grounds not only for him but also in projecting the country’s soft image high. But unfortunately for over the last couple of matches his performance has slid down with the same speed he touched the heights of fame.

Umar is one of the best talents Pakistan has produced in a decade or so and is the one who fits in all the three formats of the game. He came a long way in to fill in the big shoes of former captain Inzamamul Haq and on and off was doing the work of some of the senior batsmen like Muhammad Yousuf and Younus Khan.

Umar made his way into the national team after a successful tour of Australia with the Pakistan A team. Having carried the test average of 45, he matured with his maiden test hundred against New Zealand on debut.

With this debut century he gave a glimpse of hope to a rather bleak future of the Pakistan cricket, which lingers on an improper domestic structure to depend upon. He also played some wonderful ODI innings during the tour of Sri Lanka. At the start of his career, it was being expected that he would set new marks for Pakistan. But unfortunately his form has gradually started fall and the batsman who was being considered a useful commodity in the middle order is becoming a burden on the team. He, however, is one of those renowned players who got to the height of fame too early in their career.

In his aggressively style against almost every team, Umar instead of gaining maturity started to breach the line of discipline. Following his elder brother Kamran Akmal, Umar stood away from the team feigning injury during the tour of Australia. The Pakistan Cricket Board though fined the batsman but later coming under pressure took back its decision but that did not make him realise his mistake.
As of now particularly in the backdrop of the innings he played against Australia, he seems to have been taking his career lightly and is not getting serious to overcome his batting and mantle flaws. Instead of turning himself into a match-winner, he is caving in to the internal team politics. He is continuously showing callous attitude during batting and even his ranking is dwindled. He now stands at just around the test average of 35, a first step towards decline.

His failure has started to overcome him before he would have tasted the joys of fame. Looking at his batting abilities, he is technically inept against an in-swinging ball, which he counters in a wrong manner. The in-swinging ball he has played in all the innings in England deceived him because he goes for every ball in a hurry without realising that test cricket is a different ball game and requires temperament. He also leaves a wide gap in between the bat and pad that’s why an in-swinger makes him a victim of an LBW.

He does not seem to have any problem in his batting other than these and his careless approach on occasions. Sadly to that he throws his wicket because of these foolishnesses. If he would not be able to control his temperament and behaviour he is prone to lose his place in the team. And to prolong his stint with Pakistan he should avoid indulging into any controversies and instead concentrate on to remove his technical flaws and made the country proud rather than setting zealous examples.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 1:53 PM, ,

Preferring greener pastures

Today Pakistan is suffering from worst floods in decades in which millions of people have affected and still they are missing while hundreds among them have lost their lives and business. It was the right time to look after the flood victims by the government and other effective welfare organizations. Politicians should mobilise the nation for helping the victims but unfortunately politician whether they are from the ruling parties or opposition parties are seeming very busy in point scoring regarding the President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit of Britain because of having floods in the vast parts of the country and the Prime Minister David Cameron’s derogatory statement regarding Pakistan during his visit to India.

After Cameron’s statement not only opposition parties but also government’s major ally Altaf Hussain also suggested to the president for abandoning the UK’s visit. As a matter of the fact the President Zardari’s had to visited France and UK that both tours were decided earlier as it’s not so easy to manage the trips of the heads of the states. It was the need of the hour he should have to call off particularly UK’s visit.

So in fact there was no need to criticise his UK’s visit as it was done. Particularly those like Nawaz Sharif who has great many assets in UK. Firstly he should bring back his money back to the country then he should boycott the UK and he should never go there but actually after every two or three weeks Nawaz Sharif frequently visits to UK to look after their business and various other matters as well while Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif also has to go there for medical treatment once in a month.

President Zardari always faces criticism and has to victimise if anything happens in the country. This time also critics behave in the same manners. He just started his official visit to France the critics once again seemed in action and both tours were highly criticised and political leaders and critics started blame game and many baseless allegations imposed on him in terms of expenditures. So after receiving criticism he decided to visit UK privately.

Sunday plus strived to analysed President Asif Ali Zardari’s dual visits in which prior he left the country for France and then he arrived London on 3rd of august and started his five days private visit.

Comparatively in his official tour to France President Zardari was received zealously. He reached there few entourages like Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir and Bilawal Bhutoo Zardari. During this visit Zardari met his counterpart President Nicolas Sarkozy in which Zardari had talked to enhance the cooperation in every sector particularly bilateral relations, Defense and Economic assistance as well.

As a matter of fact that France is a prestigious ally of Pakistan and it always provided financial assistance to Pakistan even during humanitarian crises. Now French Foreign Minister has assured that Pakistan always would be on the top priority to assist in flood like situation and various economic issues were also resolved.

While visiting France President Zardari urged the western world to make the economic assistance possible because Pakistan’s economy had to suffer a lot due to war on terror and floods. He stressed that world should focus to empower the people of Pakistan then would have to watch out from the non state actors. He emphasised that should step forward to make the possibilities of activation of civil nuclear agreements with Pakistan to meet the energy crises.

Ultimately it was a successful visit and zardari was managed to achieve set objectives. The visit was achieved milestone when Pakistan and France were both agreed to establish the Joint Economic Commission that would be addressed the issues of food, agricultural, economical and under this commission France will train the nurses and Pakistan would be able to export them to the UAE.

During this visit France also assured to expedite the pledged payment that was promised in Tokyo‘s meeting of friends of democratic Pakistan’s platform. The establishment of the joint economic commission was really a milestone for the country because right now nobody including America wants to empower the people of Pakistan but huge amount of money is being wasted for accomplishment of the their own agendas by the western world.

Everybody trusts on India while Pakistan has to take the loss of hundred of lives and billions of dollars. But everyday many more speculation present as Pakistan is assisting the terrorists but in fact Pakistan had to bear great many losses due to so called war on terror. Pakistan has paid a huge price for this war. During this visit President Sarkozy promised to visit Pakistan in near future.

After the successful visit Zardari left the France for UK on 3rd of august for his five days private visit despite the reservations of the opposition because of the Cameron’s gaffe statement in which he said that Pakistan would not be allowed to export the terrorism while visit of the UK was already decided months ago but because of the Cameron gaffe that he made during his visit to India and because of the derogatory remarks of the Cameron everybody including opposition parties are criticising President Zardari’s trip to UK and they all urged that this visit should be cancelled because Pakistan is suffering from many crises and despite of sacrificing a lot of lives and finances during the war against terrorism even then world leaders are not acknowledging the Pakistani services for this war. Everyday Pakistani spy agencies have to face baseless allegations and that is why in protesting one of the influential spy chief Shuja Pasha had to abandon his trip to UK.

Zardari wants to address the people party’s activists in Birmingham where bilawal also had to addressed his maiden speech. This was the main reason to keep the tour continue and zaradri sab wants to get popularity at any cost. He addressed to more than seven thousand activists. This is the mind set. So this tour proved that he wants to prolong his party politics and keep alive himself in the minds of the activists. During his joy trip he also met the cabinet ministers and many other legislators.

It is the gravity of the time that at this moment every official should have to be here in with the flood victims and the trips could be shortest and may be arranged next time. .But seeing the non serious attitude of the rulers during floods it seems that the people of Pakistan are not the priority of the rulers. Rulers always have the sympathy wave for the people but just in the speeches particularly during election campaigns.

After getting into powers they don’t want to address the masses’ issues then they just focus to strengthen their political heirs as President Zardari did in his visits. Millions of public finances are being wasted during the joy trips and organising political shows but for helping the flood victims rulers are looking down upon towards the donors. Though it is too difficult to meet the floods but presence of the rulers among the masses can be over come their grievances.


posted by Dilshad Rao @ 9:41 AM, ,

Amina. Z on Beauty Industry

Even though beauty is only skin deep, it’s important for women to feel beautiful and look beautiful. The awareness is increasing amongst the ladies to look after themselves and so the beauty salons are playing a pivotal role in helping the woman to tone up the features. Beauty saloons have emerged into an industry and it is important to choose a good parlour where you could be facilitated with good services.

Amina. Z beauty salon in Defence, Lahore is one of the prominent beauty salons of the town that is running by the experienced and qualified make up artiste Amina Zahoor.

Prior to graduation in makeup course from London school of beauty and makeup in 2002, she engaged with one of the leading makeup artistes Masarat Misbah’s salon, Depilex where she learned the art of makeup and hairstyling. She has also done skin courses; one from Malaysian BML Skin care institution in 2003 and other of Makeup and hair-styling course from Juice Hair Academy, Mumbai in 2006.

In an interview with Sunday Plus Amina brings to light the hallmarks of her impressive working. She said that after graduation from Kinnaird College she joined Depilex to have an experience of learning the art of makeup and hairstyling in the professional environment. “During training I felt that it would be better if I adopt it as a profession. So I took a franchise of Depilex in 2002 which was in fact a turning point for my career,” she said.

She was running Depilex’s franchise successfully for seven years but contract could not be matured and then she had to withdraw and started working with the title of Amina. Z beauty salon.

She suggested that in the summer season, the makeup base should be light but it must be water oriented. It is better to use light colours like pinkish that is the real reflection of the summer tones.

As in the summer, people love to wear light colours that is why makeup of light colours looks better while in the winter everything happens entirely in a different way and fashion enthusiasts should use dark colours for the parties and weddings

“In winters the skin becomes dry and rough so foundation should be oil based. Dark shades are preferable as different colours like red, orange, and brown are commonly used,” she added.

Answering to query she said, “If we ignore the use of hygienic tools and equipments during makeup then a lot of problems in terms of skin diseases erupt. Makeup kits and tools should be sterilized daily basis otherwise its use can be harmful. We are always conscious about the tools and we don’t use them for a long time. Mostly people are complaining regarding these issues. But we have sterilizing machines to disinfect the make up kits.”

“Here at Amina. Z beauty salon, special care is given to this concern. People have to suffer because of various untrained beauticians that have come into this profession. They are just minting money and don’t care about the clients.” She maintained.

“It is necessary for every bride to look after herself carefully especially before wedding days. If bride has normal skin then no need to have especial treatment while if any bride has skin problem then she should start treatments like, acne facial or whitening facials for even tone and pigmentation but it should be continued at least till six months prior to the wedding. Hair styling matters too much for everyone whether anybody attends weddings or parties because it plays prestigious role for changing the look.

She recommends that every woman especially for the bride to look after the hands and feet as skin and hair. It is better to have manicure and pedicure two to three times before the wedding and authentic creams and beauty products should be used for hands and feet daily. Bride should take at least seven to eight hours sleep and take a lot of water, fruits and vegetables daily.

“Today everything has been changed and we have lot of clients sent by their husbands. Now every husband wants her wife to look beautiful. We always take the client’s opinion firstly then we come up with other considerations,” she further said.

“Beauty business is growing rapidly. Latest make up techniques have come into this profession that have made the profession easier. Trends of make up have not changed but hairstyles change frequently. Nowadays hair extensions have come to enhance the thickness of hair.” She added.

She commented that newcomers should come into this profession after proper learning and having professional beauty courses. It is good for the beauty business as well.

It is Amina’s confidence and professionalism that makes her prominent among many in the business. She is personally available in Lahore for the services while two branches of her salon in Toronto (Canada) and New Jersey (USA) as well are also running successfully. She has plans to have some more franchises in Pakistan and also she wants to establish training institution in Lahore that most probably would be affiliated with the London school of beauty and make up.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 8:14 PM, ,

Lahore Meat Company

Though elected and democratic governments deliver and serve the masses all over the world yet Pakistani democratic governments appear as extensions of dictatorship. It is irony of the fate that democratic government remains busy in supporting their political activists instead of working for the welfare of poor masses.

Earlier “Sasti Roti” scheme launched by Punjab government was the worst example of nepotism, adding that 70 percent of the flour bags being provided to registered tandoors were being sold in the market. The poorly-run scheme has cost the government Rs 20 billion and the common man had not received any of the benefit of this scheme.

Similarly Dasterkhawa scheme, income support programmes established a force of advisors and task forces in the province in the name of several welfare schemes which are actually worst examples of nepotism. Sadly nothing has been achieved rather these were the ways of waste of public finances through dubious decisions of government.

Instead of taking any lesson from these flop measures, Punjab government has taken another step of establishing government owned independent meat company entitled Lahore Meat Company which would operational within weeks. Dr Hamid Jalil, Chief Executive Officer of Lahore Meat Company, said that live stock could play a vital role in country’s economy. “It is among the fastest growing sector of the country. It is one of the leading sectors that has currently 17.4 growth rate in GDP and also has the 53% share in the agricultural economy. Live stock has three major roles in the economy like firstly it ensures food security, produces protein meat and eggs, live stock is part of the rural economy because more than 37 percent rural population is associated with this business where it plays a role of emergency bank and it is also essential need of every house hold in rural areas, last but not least it can come under the category of value-added industry while having tremendous scope in terms of enhancing the foreign reserves. Sometimes it acts like a cushion and gives the instant relief to the rural families,” he elucidated.

Jalil told SPlus in fact Pakistani meat could be exported to many countries like Iran, Central Asian States, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Syankyank Province of China, Malaysia and Afghanistan where every Muslim wanted to have halal meat. Millions of the Pakistani buffaloes were being smuggled to the neighbouring countries where these had been using as the source of beef meat rather than milk animal. So government took this step to utilize country’s resources for the exchequer.

“With high population growth rate in the region, demand for hygienic meat is on the rise. This along with rising concerns amongst consumers related to halal practices in meat industry led to the establishment of Lahore Meat Company. The primary objective of the organization is to deliver quality meat that is 100% halal and is obtained following international standards of food safety and hygiene. Lahore Meat Company has vision to achieve tremendous grounds in the export market and emerged as one of the largest exporter of meat from Pakistan. In order to keep up with international standards company has installed state of the art slaughtering facility. The plant has been imported from Australia and is the largest private slaughtering facility in the country with capacity of 40 head per hour. Lahore Meat Company has qualified professionals to maintain its day to day affairs and also to explore new markets both local and international for the company’s products,” he explained.

While adding about the potential market of Pakistani meat he said it would integrate meat supply chain and would look after the production and processing of meat then it would be able to export. Prior it would take export orders from the regional and other countries as LMC had two huge assignments from Iran and Malaysia. Moreover LMC has also signed a contract with Iran’s Mashad Meat Company.

Besides the tall claims of government officials and members of task force welfare schemes could not give much benefit to the poor masses like Sasti rooti scheme proved a burden on exchequer. As opposition criticised PML N government for taking loans to run so called welfare schemes, “Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, an outspoken critic of loans, was forced to borrow $150 million from the Asian Development Bank. The State Bank of Pakistan also transformed an overdraft of Rs 73 billion into loans due to the province’s weak economy. As a result, the Punjab government is paying Rs 4 billion in interest every month”.

Now we can hope for better performance of Lahore Meat Company as CEO of LMC claims instead of dreadful continuation of nepotism in province again through such projects.

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posted by Dilshad Rao @ 12:26 PM, ,


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